Aside from the obvious impact of a workplace injury, there are a few “hidden” consequences. So, even more reasons to be careful, prepare, and stay safe!
Here they are:
Psychological Trauma
When an accident occurs, not just the injured people are affected. There is a psychological impact, and sometimes serious trauma for those that assist, witness, or know the victim.
Some physical symptoms of psychological trauma include insomnia, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, agitation, rapid heart rate, tension, easily startled, headache, aches and pains, withdrawal, disinterest, disorientation, confusion, depression, anger…
Professional help for those affected is vital.
Business Reputation
And this might be hard to quantify on the bottom line.
But, the impact on the reputation of the business can be significant. For example, future contracts may be harder to win and job vacancies harder to fill.
Higher Insurance Premiums
With a history of providing unsafe work environments or an unsafe culture, insurers are bound to rethink their premiums. Sometimes, this can be a difference of four fold.
Another reason to think of your investment in safety as exactly that; an investment.
Criminal Charges
Not only do those responsible for workplace safety have to live with the fact that someone has been injured under their watch, but they also have a legal responsibility – meaning possible fines and charges.
There are many more consequences of a workplace accident than just the obvious. It is better to be over-cautious and over-prepared.